Uri subtitles english
Uri subtitles english

uri subtitles english

$resStr = ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=height -of csv=s=x:p=0 $f.FullName New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $p2 New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $p2/subtitle New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $p2/video New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $p2/audio $p2 = Join-Path -Path $loco -ChildPath "/out/" | Join-Path -ChildPath $f New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $p1 $p1 = Join-Path -Path $loco -ChildPath "/out" Why don't ffmpeg and ffprobe find the subtitles streams? Is it because they are split in a different m3u8 playlist file? There are lots of video and audio streams, but there are no subtitles streams. You can find here all the streams which the ffprobe command shows. Then I ran ffprobe, which tells me there are no subtitles streams for him: ffprobe "blahblah.m3u8" -show_streams -select_streams s I thought it was easy: I added a -map 0:s:0 to get the first subtitles, but ffmpeg told me that there's no stream named like that.

uri subtitles english

#EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=AUDIO,GROUP-ID="audio_aac",NAME="English",LANGUAGE="eng",AUTOSELECT=YES,URI="audio/aac/eng/stream.m3u8" #EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=AUDIO,GROUP-ID="audio_aac",NAME="Français",LANGUAGE="fra",AUTOSELECT=YES,DEFAULT=YES,URI="audio/aac/fra/stream.m3u8" #EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=SUBTITLES,GROUP-ID="subtitles",NAME="Español",LANGUAGE="es",URI="subtitles/es/subtitles.m3u8" #EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=SUBTITLES,GROUP-ID="subtitles",NAME="English",LANGUAGE="en",URI="subtitles/en/subtitles.m3u8" # Created with Bento4 version 1.2.0r637 The m3u8 has two subtitles: English and Spanish, as you can see in the m3u8 itself #EXTM3U My problem is: I can't seem to find the two subtitles streams. Which means: select the first video stream for the third (index 2) program and the English language audio stream from the same third (index 2) program. So, what I really am doing is ffmpeg -i "blahblah.m3u8" -c copy -map 0:p:2:v:0 -map 0:p:2:a:m:language:eng -map 0:s:0 "output.mp4" I've managed to extract the video and audio stream because they are relatively easy: the input m3u8, according to ffprobe, contains 3 different programs, and the third program (called Program 2) is the one I need, because it contains both the highest quality video and the English highest quality audio.

Uri subtitles english mp4#

I'm trying to get an mp4 video from a m3u8 playlist file (in simple HLS), with audio, video and subtitles.

Uri subtitles english